
July 24, 2010

Hey, hey it’s Summer and London is awash with Summershows.

Myself and Jo Wilmot are both featured in , ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer ‘ at the Arch Gallery in Deptford, Resolution Way. As the title suggests this Summershow is slightly darker than usual and includes Jo’s ‘Car-Wrecks’ and my ‘Chicken Pluckers’. Agnes Eve is showing a wonderful painting of a cliff face in the Summershow at the Vitrine Gallery in Bermondsey Square.

But of course none of these can compare to when we all come together with the addition of Eugene Ankomah in Charlie Pi’s Summershow at the Crypt Gallery @ St Pancras Church on the 11th of August. Dont miss it.

Men in Frocks

July 7, 2010

I admit that at several times in my life I have slipped on a frock. In my upcoming Summershow I include pics of my former self (performance artist. Charlie Pig) wearing a tricel tiger-print frock whilst skinning a rabbit. This was in the 70’s and the performance was called ‘The Ideal Woman.’

I was also inspired by a fashion magazine spread showing big hunky men wearing frilly party frocks. I have created several pieces around these pictures including a couple called ‘Oz Summer Fashions.’ This is not the Oz of Dorothy but the Oz maximum Security Prison.  These pieces will be shown in a separate room within the Crypt currently dubbed ‘Dragclub’ Rule 1; Nobody talks about Dragclub. Rule2; Nobody talks about Dragclub.

I am intrigued and amused  by the idea that there might be a Dragclub where hyper-masculine men go to hang out in frocks with similar men. It might exist, I wouldn’t know because ‘they’ wouldn’t tell me about it cos’ I’m not butch enough!

Well folks we’ve been open a week and the first member of the Down-low Drag Club has at last made an appearance. Well worth waiting for I think y’all agree.

What a beauty?

Hey folks!

As announced a few weeks back – see the updated blog below – The Skin I’m In exhibition will welcome three guest artists I’ve personally invited  to show a sample of their work to accompany my new summer show.  And I just thought I’d give you a sneak  preview of what you should expect from these diverse talented visual artists. Simply see for yourself:

Agnes Eve

‘Dawn’ & ‘Volatile’

Jo Wilmot

‘Glitzy’ & ‘Marionnette Lines

Eugene Ankomah (check out Eugene’s latest video on youtube)

Yours Truly,

Charlie Pi

Hey folks!

I’ve finalized my guest list for my new Summer Show, The Skin I’m In, which opens  at The Crypt Gallery (@ St Pancras Church) this August. I’m so excited as this is bound to be a truly stupendous exhibition! See for yourself below:


Agnes Eve: will be showing her wonderful strong yet intimate, semi-abstract landscapes – ‘The substratum for my paintings comes from Nature. Nature takes the leadership in creating. It is a constant, unstoppable process of formation within creation and has been progressing since the Big Bang. My role is to extract it from the whole and transfer it to my work.” (

Jo Wilmot: Presents all new oils based on concepts of glamour – “I’m interested in the way shiny newness becomes tarnished, in how fast a longed for item or experience switches from desirable to bland. We live in a culture of glossy images, objects and items and we are led to believe that the next purchase or cocktail will make us complete.” (

Installation :

Eugene Ankomah: Will be re-creating an installation and video based on a previous performance, ‘Tribal Dance’ – My work often mixes cultural imagery and symbolism from my African background coupled with images from popular culture combined with experimental ways of approaching my various themes I aim to comment socially, politically, culturally, emotionally and personally. I reveal to hide and hide to expose.” (

Yours Truly,

Charlie Pi