Charlie Pig as The Ideal Woman

Charles Garner left Middlesex University in 1976 with  a B.A. Hons in Fine Art. For several years he worked under the name of Charlie Pig mainly as a performance artist but also as a Synoptic Realist artist running The Synoptic Realist Tie Company promoting and selling Charlie Pig’s Twenty Top Ties,  with Exhibitions at Copyart Camden, The London Film Co-op, Mayfair Illuminations curated by David Medalla , The Midland Group Gallery in Nottingham, and The Air Gallery in the Critics Choice Exhibition, ‘Unquiet Studios’ curated by The Hon Guy Brett.

‘The Synoptic Realist Life-Enhancement Project’ was launched with an illuminated advertisement  in a bus shelter as part of ‘Shoplift’, Lewisham in 1990.

“Charlie P!g’s ties play on a network of opposites: something respectable/dull changed into something outrageous/beautiful, the symbol belonging, of the ‘straight’, into an expression of the outcast, which in turn becomes the badge of a new group of people, and so on.”

“-In reality these artists very often begin with a fascination for some aspect of the physical world, maybe one which is unnoticed or derided- a procedure which is both ambitious and modest. It can give us a new sense of the immensity of events, and of our own limitations of understanding. Far from being fortuitous, I believe this approach is characteristic of the most critical and creative artists working today, by which they  implicitly challenge the neo-conservative tendency to promote a pompous and self-important notion of the artist out of the tradition of the past.” GUY BRETT. tbc

2 Responses to “Who’s Charlie Pi?”

  1. Dino Says:

    The artist I thought you might have something in common with, in your new persona as skull doily stitcher, is Phil Davison…. a book of his work ‘Twisted Stitches’ has just been published.

    We are enjoying living with Exterior Decoration… thank you.

  2. charliepi Says:

    Great meeting you and so glad you like your new artwork. Looked up Phil Davison on the web. His works a little too ‘urban cool’ for me but I think my muse Basil was wearing a ‘t’ shirt by Phil Davison last time I saw him..

    Synchronicity rules ok

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